Max and Minka's Brilliante English to Yiddish Encoder Ring.
This little clever application will turn your Roman alphabet transliteration into Yiddish alef-beys, at the touch of a button. This is version 1.0, released on March 13, 2001. It is not a translator, but rather, a utility to reduce hunting and pecking on a Latin keyboard for Yiddish characters. You must know Yiddish and be able to tranliterate according to the YIVO standard in order to use this tool. See the demo of Max and Minka's Brilliante English to Yiddish Encoder Ring. We recommend that you do this first if you have the Flash plug-in (version 4 or higher). Download a standalone Mac or PC version of Max and Minka's Brilliante English to Yiddish Encoder Ring. See the Read Me file that explains a little more about Max and Minka's Brilliante English to Yiddish Encoder Ring. |